
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lotsa Salmon...

A few weeks ago MK went on a fishing trip with his family in Seattle. His trip yielded an amazing bounty and he brought back 40 pounds of pink salmon. Well unfortunately for him, his catch and bags were not awaiting him when he landed at Palomar Airport. Stranded since his keys were also in his bag, EHK and I rescued him from sitting on curb for hours till his things got routed back to Palomar. We took him to a dinner party BT was hosting till his bags arrived and he rewarded us with several vacuum sealed packs of pink salmon fillets. I'm ashamed to admit that we didn't immediately delve into such a bounty.... as you can see from our freezer drawer full of salmon fillets.

{freezer drawer full of salmon fillets}
I think we'll be in a salmon mood this weekend and I'll be sure to post when we prepare some of these fillets. We do prefer a simple preparation of sprinkling with a light coat of olive oil, salt and pepper. Seared skin side down in a dutch oven for about 4 minutes +/- time depending on thickness of fillet. About 2 minutes into the searing we add a pat or two of butter to the mix, let it melt and continuously spoon the hot butter over flesh side of the fillet till it has reached desired doneness. Sounds yum right?

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